

For adventurous salsa lovers, Atomic takes heat to a new level.

Ranked at 1 million on the Scoville Heat Scale, Atomic uses ghost pepper and Carolina Reaper to test the limits of your taste buds.

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For adventurous salsa lovers, Atomic takes heat to a new level.

Ranked at 1 million on the Scoville Heat Scale, Atomic uses ghost pepper and Carolina Reaper to test the limits of your taste buds.

For adventurous salsa lovers, Atomic takes heat to a new level.

Ranked at 1 million on the Scoville Heat Scale, Atomic uses ghost pepper and Carolina Reaper to test the limits of your taste buds.

NOTE: Our salsa is a fresh product and needs to be kept refrigerated, even before opening. If you are having your order shipped, please make sure to refrigerate upon arrival.

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